demon with a glass hand
i have lost control, i fell in yr hole, i gave up my soul, i have lost control
four to the left, three to the right, two to the front, what will come of it
i am stuck in the machine, i have no mouth and yet i must scream
looking for the master plan, to save myself i must use my hand
i notice that this can’t be happening to me, in time i’ll find a different song to sing
i took a chance before i met demands, i lost it to the demon with the glass hand
intolerance for the weaknesses in others
my body starts to rust as i eat while i sleep
i’ve got a broken parasol and some rotten meat
i told her “kein mein framf” but it don’t make no sense
so she punctures my lungs and she sends me to bed
toothbrush handle with some razor blades
i keep it close to my side to keep the faggots at bay
sitting here watching as my freedom slips away
they stole my face, and they gave me a name
gave me an opinion and made me their slave... and i got
the way you make me feel puts a hole in my head
i tried to force feed you some life, but yr already dead
you rock my ass back with those passionate lips
why don’t you take off yr pants and let me jump start yr hips
pleased to meet you, you’ve changed
always a stormy road, no pleasing, will someone tell me what i’m reading?
two-thousand tongues sweet peach, yr out of reach
pleased to meet you, you’ve changed, pleased to meet you, i stayed the same
manipulate the soaring tv, better off you than me
lazy summer girls, yr out of reach, out of reach, out of reach, out of reach
my bartender’s name is jesus
well i found god in a liquor store
so i prayed prayed prayed while he poured poured poured
drinking every noon and night until i see the light
my bartender’s name is jesus, hey jesus yr alight
i confessed to god in a corner bar
gave me ten hail mary’s in a mason jar
my soul lies in the balance so i fear it’s not enough
my bartender’s name is jesus, hey, jesus fill her up
i shot god with my .44,
he slumped into the taps then he fell to the floor
who’s the son of god to say i’ve had enough
my bartender’s name was jesus until jesus cut me off
self destruction for the self-obsessed
i lost myself, i lost you there, i’ll take what is mine, i’ll take all our friends, and then
i’ll take all the world, i’ll take what’s mine, i’ll take all the world, this fare is just fine
it’s fine
not on my watch, this joke is free, not on my watch, the joke’s on me
my mind is on mute, it’s yrs to share, my heart is acute not that you care, you care
i’ll suffer through time, i’ll make it mine, i’ll mock all the sounds, i’ll mock what i rhyme
yeah i rhyme
synthetiquette theme song
i don’t want to take, who are you to ask, i don’t want to love, never had the chance
problems with my head
summertime sick on my back, college films with girls who can’t act
take off yr clothes in the name of art, i’ll do my share you do yr part
someone’s drunk my mind’s not straight, restraining order from a girl i used to date
don’t know when something’s wrong, just think i know time takes too long
please don’t speak and just look cute, no more birds, need new recruits
it’s all me it’s in my head, it’s just me i’m in the red, it’s all me what have i said before
all i can say is i don’t trust a word i say, all i know is i can’t feel a thing that’s real
all i know is i don’t trust what’s in my heart, all i can tell is somewhere down the line i fell apart
(i wanna be yr) playground
sweating out the purity of my heart, we can make believe, yeah, we’ll call it art
everybody wants to feel dignified, wanna pass out drunk with you by my side
my face is plastered in yr nightmares, you scream for air, i’ll aim for tears
if i fuck with you we both live alone, i’m trying to make my presence known
yr my favorite flavour, i wanna be yr playground
i see a tear fall from yr black and blue eye
i hear my daughter call my name as i’m sitting here waiting to die
my veins are fractured, my mind is on welfare, my heart doesn’t care
i don’t want you to miss me i just don’t want to be here
i taste danger, i smell fuck, i’ve been struck dead by yr dirty looks
it’s been three days passing, when will my syrup dreams end
i’m laying here gasping for air as my blood covers the bed
you tell me i’m okay, you diagnose me as well
i hate it here in heaven, take me back to hell
i fear hazard, i taste lust, you give me no reason to learn to trust
i’m not so functional, i’m a pretty fucked drug prick, pretty fucked
i’m not yr toaster queen, but i will scream when you rip out my seams
i want conflict, you want love, misinterpretation of my beautiful gun
loose lips always sink relationships
i’d rather feel the same way else
i waste my time, i’m bored, i’m lame, i’ll trade my kingdom for yr pain
i sit and stall and watch it all, i lost my passion for this game
then again, yr thoughts my friend?
i waste my time on you, in this room dark and used
my thoughts are blurred and few, our time was all i had to do
don’t give a fuck, don’t have that glow, the more i ask the less i know
with words come spite it follows me home, you are a gas, i am a drone
then again, yr thoughts my friend?
through my door
from the desk of big time watch this fade
watch my shadow curl up, it’s proof to you i’ve got it made
can you damage lives and leave no trace
make passion disappear, well, watch yr father, he’s a classic case
you were caught, you’ll be cut, now you’ve been warned
probably not the best way to start the race
step on my feet again, you’ll watch me put you in my place
managed debt, it manifests, strike back
never even got the chance to learn all of the life i lack
with all these people coming through my door, i miss you
lost love, once i had in store, this is true
we’ll have what we had before, i know you
with all these people coming through my door, i miss you.
to bow out gracefully
lord’s got me lookin’ for someone but i aint found no one yet
lord, i’ve been drinking for oh so long, lord i’ve been hittin’ the bottle
and i have no passion left
time keeps on trying to pass me by, but it aint gone no where yet
the love and war we had before